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Short Biography

I enjoy get­ting to know my patients and buil­ding meaning­ful rela­tion­ships. I under­stand that each per­son is uni­que and that they have diver­se cul­tu­ral back­gro­unds, so I stri­ve to acti­ve­ly listen and empo­wer them to be an advo­ca­te for the health and wel­l­ness goals that are impor­tant to them. I’m dedi­ca­ted to pro­vi­ding com­pas­sio­na­te and indi­vi­du­ali­zed care by pro­vi­ding patient edu­ca­tion and prac­ti­cing evi­den­ce-based medi­ci­ne. I’m pas­sio­na­te abo­ut prac­ti­cing pre­ven­ti­ve medi­ci­ne and hel­ping my patients mana­ge acu­te and chro­nic health con­di­tions, men­tal health.

I find joy by doing almost any out­do­or acti­vi­ty, inc­lu­ding hiking, run­ning, and explo­ring with our fur­ba­bies. I enjoy spen­ding time with fami­ly and friends. I also stri­ve to live mind­ful­ly and inten­tio­nal­ly by cre­ating upli­fting routi­nes and rela­xing ritu­als.

Education & Experience

Silesian Academy of Medicine in Katowice
Board certification
PTS - Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologiczne
Field of expertise
Functional Aesthetic Dentistry
Years of practice

Working Shifts

Doctor’s Articles